Tag Archives: toilet

Toilet Training a Cat – A Pros Cons Guide

Cat toilet training in easy steps: Toilet training your cat is an easier task than you might think. Several techniques can be used for training your cat to use the toilet, and you can even buy products that will assist you in toilet training a cat. The advantages of cat toilet training: Teaching your cat to use the toilet can hold several advantages for any cat owner. The biggest advantage of having your cat use a toilet is that eliminates most of the disadvantages that using cat […]

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Is Your Cat Ready for Toilet Training? Here’s 5 Ways You Can Tell

At the end of a long day, who wants to sift through a messy litter box? Certainly not me. Up until now, the litter-box has been a necessary evil, a small price to pay for our beloved companions. But not anymore. In fact, there’s an underground alternative designed for those of us who are ready to kick the litter habit: toilet training your cat. Sounds complicated, right? Not at all. Although far from mainstream, cat toilet training is gaining momentum and cat owners across the country are […]

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Cat Toilet Training

One of the first things as an owner that wants to toilet train your cat is to know about your cat. The behavior of a cat; the does, and don’ts of training a cat. Since we are going to talk about potty training a cat, we need to set some basic rules down. Most important one is that if you do not catch the cat going potty on the floor at the very moment; it will not make any sense to the cat what you do to […]

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